Stream API with Java 6/7 and Android

Java 8 has the new fancy and powerful Streams API but in the Android development world we are still stuck somewhere between Java 6 and 7 and can’t use the Streams API. So there are two ways to solve this:

Author's profile picture Benedict Pregler

Android: Kotlin and Parcelable objects and arrays

Kotlin is current in the Version 1.0 Beta 2 (Update: Version 1.0 Beta 3 is out) and is just before the final Version 1.0. So I’m going to take a closer look how well Kotlin is working with Android. The reasons why Kotlin could be a good replacement to the good old Java can be found here: The Kotlin Language: 1.0 Beta is Here!

Author's profile picture Benedict Pregler

Android: Validate user inputs from Widgets with Saripaar

Validating User Input in Android can be really ugly. More than ever when every EditText has its own validation rule. Also, if we want to save validated input after every text change.

Author's profile picture Benedict Pregler

Workaround for: Implicit intents with startService are not safe

In Android 5.0 and higher (API level >= 21) the system will throw an exception if you call bindService() with an implicit intent. Here I will show you a simple workaround to change an implicit intent to an explicit intent.

Author's profile picture Benedict Pregler

Use the coordinatorLayout to scroll of the ActionBar

I’m going to show you how to use the new design library 22.2.0 to create an AppBar which is going to scroll of the screen while scrolling up.

Author's profile picture Benedict Pregler

DialogFragment$DialogStyle not found workaround

Here is a workaround if you’re getting the error:$DialogStyle not found while using something like Androidannotations or Dagger.

Author's profile picture Benedict Pregler

TextInputLayout not showing hint

There is another bug in a support library. It’s in the new android support design library 22.2.0 ( and is causing that the new TextInputLayout is not showing the hint as usual.

Author's profile picture Benedict Pregler

Hello World

This blog says hello world!

Author's profile picture Benedict Pregler